Letter to the editor: Another boring election cycle

Letter to the editor: Another boring election cycle

It must be time for another election. Members are picketing and glad-handing and I’m sick of it.

I was accosted one of our “chosen representatives” outside a shopping centre on the weekend and assured of how much they care about my interests.

When I asked why I hadn’t seen them around the local area when there wasn’t an election they smugly informed me they were busy “doing their job” and governing.

I wouldn’t mind empty platitudes like that answer only they are coming non-stop from both sides.

It seems you can’t even rely on the independents to make things interesting anymore, they all seem to be cut out of the same mold.

So strap yourself in for another boring election. With more of the same from both sides.

Am I the only one asking is this as good as it gets?

Stephen Falcron,

Surry Hills

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