Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor

Shat On From A Great Height

Whatever the outcome for Fitzroy Park something must be done about relocating the ibis population. These birds, scavengers of high degree, have become an increasing problem in urban Sydney since the 1970s, considering garbage more delicious than swampland tucker. Their continuing presence in Fitzroy Park creates a major nuisance and this week I noted a tourist, a well-dressed middle-aged woman, copping what looked like a large omelette, right on her head. The reality is that the small park’s largest open space tiled area is a ‘no go zone’ and although most of us locals know better than to walk through it, the birds seem to have won the right to shit freely. It is unsightly, unhealthy and unacceptable. Surely these birds can be relocated and we can have our parkland.

Warren Fahey
Potts Point.

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