Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor

Its Still 1984!

Michael Gormley’s COMMENT- Parallel realities…” (CityNews November 11)- the City of Sydney is in more than another universe. Their Media Machine is the ‘ Ministry of ‘Truth’ and the year is always 1984. They reduce the English language and spin it- ‘Consultation’= ‘Presentation’, ‘Sustainability’= ‘Waste’ (as much water, energy, and ratepayers money and lop as many mature trees as soon and as fast as possible), and ‘heritage conservation’ = ‘save it only if its politically expedient’.

The destruction of Fitzroy Garden, its heritage, and its trees is déjà vu” of the Taylor Square debacle. The exhibited landscape plans of Taylor Square North omitted a mature Eucalyptus saligna. “Tree? What Tree?! Its not on the plans, so it doesn’t exist!”. A tree= no tree, just as we see now that seven palm trees in Fitzroy gardens= four, etc.

After a ‘save the tree!’ campaign by a rouge Green councilor (no, green is liberal blue, just as blue is marxist red) raised public consciousness and protest on its execution day, Council Rangers and NSW police were summoned to remove, fine and charge protesters.

But the Fitzroy plan according to them is all ‘sustainable’, and who but Council prefers water thirsty high maintenance flower daleks and hanging baskets instead of TREES in Fitzroy gardens, which we already have in Darlinghurst Rd in the Cross and Stanley St East Sydney.

So gentle readers, beware, before planning any ‘Save Fitzroy Gardens’ protest, Council’s Thought Police (= Rangers) and the NSW police service (= thugs) will be waiting for you…

John Boers

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