Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor

Just what part of the word ‘corruptible’ does Cr Shayne Mallard not understand? (City News September 23).

Lawrence Bull’s exposé indicates Cr Mallard voted on a DA knowing the developer had given his Liberal Party money to distribute to its candidates, including Cr Mallard. He claims he did not benefit “personally” yet he declared it as a donation in 2008. He then changed his mind substituting a nil return to the Election Funding Authority.

So which statement was the correct one, and how can we tell?

Cr Mallard says the donation was ‘insignificant’ but surely any amount, large of small, which has the potential to influence a decision is significant? All Councillors have to be, and be seen to be, impartial.

It’s time there was a full Official Enquiry into Cr Mallard’s donors and DA voting patterns so that the City of Sydney Council as a whole, including its staff and Councillors, are not tarnished by more allegations.

Andrew Woodhouse
President of the Potts Point & KX Heritage Conservation Society

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