Letter from the Lord Mayor

Letter from the Lord Mayor

The City has gone to great lengths to make Rushcutters Bay Park greener, more open, more accessible, easier to get around and safer – objectives called for during the comprehensive community consultation process. Our design which is now under construction integrates many of the 12,000 community ideas received for this valuable park.

When the works are completed in the next few months, it will be a more attractive park with improved community facilities.

The facts are:

– The new pathways provide improved disability access and cater for users of all ages – mothers with prams, pedestrians, people with dogs and cyclists;
– The work consolidates and reduces the footprint of existing structures, and removes redundant structures. This includes the replacement of the existing public toilets;
– The new cricket practice net is designed to be removed when not in use to provide more public open space;
– The new sea wall stairs provide public access to the harbour;
– The completed pathway around the oval allows joggers and walkers a full circuit of the oval;
– New pipes will drain storm-water from Waratah Reserve, which will stop the playground flooding;
– New landscaping will feature around all refurbished buildings.

The renewal respects the park’s heritage significance and the high regard it is held in by the community.

The approach taken at Rushcutters Bay Park is consistent with our work to expand green open space in parks and other areas across the Local Government Area.

The City’s environmental commitment to the park is reinforced by the decision to include a dedicated storm-water capture and filtration system to cleanse and reuse about three million litres of polluting storm-water run-off, stopping it entering the Bay each year.

Yours sincerely
Lord Mayor Clover Moore MP

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