

Save Union Square

Union Square is Pyrmont’s most significant site. It is not a “grand” Square. It reflects the economic and social conditions of its 19th Century industrial origins. Pyrmont people think it has charm. Everyone must agree it has architectural integrity and cultural, historical and social significance and it forms the geographical hub of the community. There are few Squares like it in Australia; yet this is the site chosen by the State Government for the NW Sydney Metro Rail station.

There are two alternative sites. Both are adjacent to Union Square and would provide all necessary access during and after construction of the station. One is the site of the planned extension to Star City. Since the State Government took control of this site for planning purposes, presumably for the benefit of Star City, there should be no problem now in using the site for the benefit of Pyrmont community. The second would use Union Street, which could be closed off between Pyrmont and Edward Streets. I understand the City Council supports the community’s position and would support this solution.  Either option would eliminate the evictions, job losses, demolition and irreparable damage to Union Square involved in the present plan.

Union Square, like other irreplaceable historically significant sites, needs to be preserved. Join the campaign to save Union Square, and make it less likely other important sites will be threatened in this way.

Keith Johnson, Pyrmont

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