Director, writer and producer Rolf De Heer was working on a new project when I rang him early one Saturday morning. The nature of the project was secret due to limited opportunities and fierce competition for funding. Fortunately, his new film The King is Dead received funding from Screen Australia and the South Australian Film Corporation so we could share his insights into the world of neighbourhood relations.

Rolf wrote and directed the movie and had some tips for aspiring writers. Writing is more hard work than inspiration. This particular script was an evolutionary process, built upon a myriad of experiences with neighbours and neighbourhoods around Australia.

According to De Heer, “casting a film well is the next most important thing in the entire process after getting the script right.” Casting this film was a painstaking process which resulted in a talented and dedicated ensemble that created a film that resonates with audience experience.

As to where he conjured the authentic feel of the movie, De Heer cites the actor’s interpretation of his words and forgets that his subtle direction also played a large role. The tone was carefully controlled to draw the viewer into the world of lead characters Max and Therese.  Take for example, a scene where Max wears a disguise to infiltrate the neighbour’s house. De Heer revealed that during filming, the disguise was altered from the original, over the top, conception and the scene reshot to make the comedy less overt. It is this care with character and tone that makes The King is Dead an appealing take on a neighbourhood nightmare.

After a short interview, Rolf De Heer was ready to return to work on what was bound to be another entertaining project and I was looking forward to seeing what comes next from this very talented Australian filmmaker.

Written by Leann Richards

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