Hunt & Gather
By Jackie McMillan
Make the most of the great outdoors before the warm weather slips away with opportunities to hunt and gather, and some great food related festivals and restaurant festivities!
Hawkesbury Harvest Farm Gate Trails
So much great produce is in season so get it from the source with a map from and head to the country! I’m told Pine Crest Orchard at Bilpin is great at for pick your own apples, peaches and plums; strawberries are good at Galston 359, and fresh seasonal vegetables can be had at Riverview Produce, Richmond or at the Hawkesbury Vegie Farm, Wilberforce (who take you on a tour and harvest while you’re there). Plus there’s always their excellent market at Cook + Phillip Park between 10am and 2.30pm each Friday.
Australian Gourmet Meats
Buy your meat without fancy overheads at this cool-room in Waverley where you don one of their warm jackets to insulate as you select your own cuts. I always include some Game Farm Duck Filets, their Quail Medallions, and what’s Australia Day without our national dish of lamb’ But once you barbecue a Kobe Burger, you’ll never settle for anything but wagyu between your buns!
69 Macpherson Street, Waverley (02) 9368 4470
Chinese New Year
With more than fifty events running over the three weeks from 23rd January-15th February 2009, Sydney’s exciting 2009 Chinese New Year Festival will have plenty to taste. Choose from events like Festival Ambassador Kylie Kwong’s banquet of unique cuisine on Friday 9th February ($150/person) at Billy Kwong Restaurant; or check out the amazing new $40million redevelopment of The Mandarin Club who’ll be welcoming in the Year of the Ox with Chinese themed menu specials including honey and chilli glazed duck on steamed bok choy on the 25th and 26th January.
Toko Turns Two
On the 2nd of February 2009 you can take part on a weeklong celebration of Toko’s successful two years of operation. Sake fans should be particularly excited because Sayaka Watanabe, Europe’s first Sake Sommelier from ZUMA in London, will be flying to Sydney to host their official 2nd Birthday Party on Sunday 8 February. Plus there’s always the duck breast with sansho pepper and marinated nashi pear…
49 Crown Street, Surry Hills (02) 9357 6100
Oysters Ahoy
Mark down March 15th in your diary too. I hear wind of another oyster day at Manta and those guys are really into their bivalves!
6 Cowper Wharf Road, Woolloomooloo (02) 9332 3822