Based on the novel by J.G Ballard, this brave English film is an insanely unique look at the psychological pressures of living in a high-rise apartment block and the brutal anarchy which arises when the more affluent tenants battle with the underprivileged.

Audiences will quickly be drawn into this intelligent study of communal living which takes a distorted yet hauntingly real look at the fragility of human co-existence and the warfare induced by social class segregation.

This story of a prominent doctor (Tom Hiddleston) who moves into a high-rise and steadily depersonalizes in a contained society is raw and gritty and contains mesmerising dreamlike sequences, which are appropriately incoherent at times.

Set in the 1970’s this dark and sinister film, which is masterfully written with pitch black humorous undertones, may be a subtle and very relevant comment about the dangers of wealth, scrutinising the moral fibres of society in any time frame. (MMo)



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