Gyan is a name that’s not been heard around the traps a lot since she had a hit in the 1990’s with Something’s Gotta Give. This latest album from the airy pop singer sees her adopt a warm, piano-based sound and a smattering of orchestral instruments. Gyan Evans herself plays only the tubular bells, and her unflinching vocals dance around these unsettling songs with grace. Despite the beautiful production values, some of this stuff feels slightly unfinished; Foul Play is pretty, yet starts and stops like an awkward demo. Gyan’s subversive lyrics and weird tunes recall some of the mysticism of Kate Bush’s epic meanderings, and there are some great folky moments of interplay between the guitars and rather dominant strings – one could be forgiven for mistaking Triple Why for a Nick Drake song, Robert Kirby-style arrangements and all. With none of the songs reaching beyond the four-minute mark, this is a series of vignettes; with the air of a European film soundtrack, oddly naked lyrics and hesitant chord patterns keeping the listener guessing at every turn. It’s not a pop album, but one that will reward the patient audience with fine details upon repeat listens.


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