Greens campaign for an “inclusive” Sydney

Greens campaign for an “inclusive” Sydney

Greens candidates in the upcoming council elections are campaigning for a more sustainable city with greater contribution from residents
with decision-making.

The candidates, Irene Doutney, De Brierley-Newton and Mark Smith, have called for greater “grassroots” involvement from residents. This includes greater contributions from residents on council developments, planning and general decision-making.

Current Greens Councillor and Mayoral candidate, Irene Doutney said: “The main change the Greens would like to see on Sydney council is a more inclusive, grassroots participation. I will be calling for the creation of Precinct Committees to give local residents a greater say in how their neighbourhoods are run.”

Greens Councillor Chris Harris and Ms Doutney also said the Greens will focus on sustainability in Sydney. “We will prioritise environmental outcomes and the protection of green spaces and areas of urban biodiversity,” Ms Doutney said.

Mr Harris also promoted the current Council’s environmental policies,
including Sustainable Sydney 2030. He said trigeneration and recycling of water on the CUB site at Chippendale were important achievements.
“[Another big achievement was] founding Australians for Sustainable Development, which has led the campaign to redesign the Barangaroo
project,” Mr Harris said.

The candidates also said affordable and alternative housing would be a key focus for the Greens if they were elected. “We will be looking at ways to expand and support affordable housing and alternative forms of
housing such as co-operatives and community land trusts,” Ms Doutney said. “As Sydney becomes increasingly unaffordable it is driving low
and medium income residents out of the city. The Greens believe that Sydney must be a city for everyone.”

Ms Doutney also countered recent claims purported the press and the Labor Party that the Greens are extremist and have failed to compromise
in order to achieve policy outcomes. “Only members of the extreme right would call us extremists and sadly it is a position that is flogged in the mainstream media,” she said.

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