Godless: The Eastfield Exorcism – REVIEW

Godless: The Eastfield Exorcism – REVIEW

Exorcisms are not spiritual practices which were only traditionally performed in the dark ages or in small, isolated  European towns. It’s frightening to think they could be performed anywhere with little public or media knowledge.

This movie is inspired by true events and readers may be shocked that it occurred in a small town in Central Queensland back in 1994.

The story centres on Lara a young married woman who has been through much turmoil in her life. Her toddler was killed in a car crash and she never fully recovered. She started sleep walking and complained of seeing and hearing strange things. The most frightening were the empty stares on her face.


Her husband believed that her ailment was spiritual not medical, so insisted that she be treated by a congregation of zealots and a merciless exorcist who would stop at nothing until the eviction of the spiritual entities was complete – he warned “my methods may be excessive”. The question which quickly emerges is whether this alleged exorcist is more aptly a brainwashed missionary as he’s not sanctioned by the Catholic Church.

Is spiritual realignment possible or is it actually beyond human understanding? Are these zealots real instruments of God or mere overzealous religious freaks?

This movie is quite an eye-opener, frightening at times once the exorcism progresses. The gruelling process is detailed in length and may prove too difficult for the more sensitive moviegoers to watch. The movie highlights how people who believe they are doing the right thing in the ‘name of God’ can be true monsters – where the cure is most definitely worse than the ‘disease’.

Respectable performances by Dan Ewing and Georgia Eyers in pivotal roles and Tim Pocock as the ruthless exorcist make this a must see movie for those readers who have an interest in the subject.

Was Lara really under demonic possession or merely crying out for help owing to her ongoing mental issues associated with the loss of her baby? The unpredictable finale is shocking and the accountability, or lack of accountability for the outcome, should anger audiences.


September 8, 8.00pm (followed by Q&A with director Nick Kozakis and cast members)

Dendy Newtown, 261-263 King St, Newtown

On Streaming services September 20

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