Glebe feeling mixed about redevelopment of Harold Park

Glebe feeling mixed about redevelopment of Harold Park

Mirvac’s Harold Park redevelopment plan is brining mixed reactions from Glebe residents.

Resident action group the Glebe Society have complained about the height and related parking problems of the proposed apartment block while praising its design and affordability.

President of the Glebe Society, Mairead Browne said: “Although [the amount of parking spaces] is at the maximum required by the City’s parking code, it is in the Society’s view, not enough for the number of people likely to occupy the site.”

The action group said there is further concern over how the proposed entrance to the apartments on Maxwell Street will impact traffic in the area.

Although talks between residents and Mirvac are still informal at this time, the Glebe society are concerned about the height of the proposed eight storey apartment buildings. Even though Council have already approved this height, the group believes this is too high for the area, as it would exceed the height of surrounding cliffs.

The Glebe Society has also praised the positive aspects of the development. They said the increased public open spaces and affordable housing would benefit the community.

The group applauded the development’s terrace-style design of the ground level apartments, which unlike many newly development apartment blocks, will open up directly onto the street.

“The apartment blocks are less alienating and the likelihood of street life is increased,” Ms Browne said.

The council have stated on their website that the urban renewal of Harold Park will “create 3.8 hectares of new public parkland, approximately 1250 new homes, up to 500 new jobs and almost 2km of cycle ways.

“It will conserve the heritage Rozelle Tram Depot, be an example of best practice sustainable development and provide for affordable housing and community facilities on site.”

A more complete overview of issues regarding the development will be available in October once the submission process has been completed.

The City of Sydney is accepting submissions in response to Mirvac’s DA until September 28.

By Lu Sun


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