“After nine years holding concerts only when we felt like it, and one year doing it every week but not really telling anyone, we’ve got some momentum and we’re inviting the world.” Indeed, Colbourne Ave music space are throwing open their doors this Thursday for a Re-Improvisation party. Located inside the Café Church Space in Glebe, Colbourne Ave describes itself as Sydney’s most unique music space. Originally operating under the name eight o’clock sharp, the venue has been hosting intimate musical performances since 2000, though, until now, seems to have been a fairly well kept secret. Inspired by acoustic jazz performances in Europe, musician Spike Mason was determined to create a venue where the emphasis was strictly on the musicians and their music (eight o’clock sharp even had a no talking rule while musicians were performing). The re-improvisation party kicks off several months of Thursday night shows, encompassing everything from the purely acoustic to eclectic hybrid jazz combinations to world music. A special bar will be open this Thursday to support a fundraising event, but BYO is fine too. So, if you’re fed up with the Sydney jazz scene, haven’t been to a gig in a while or have just always been curious to see inside the Café Church, this is for you.

Thur May 20, 8pm, The Cafe Church Space,cnr Colbourne Ave & St. Johns Rd, Glebe, $10-20,

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