The Ballad of Betty & Joe is a cautionary tale set within Sydney’s CDB ‘ as Betty, a girl from the bush, joins her fellow buskers in Central Railway’s Devonshire Street tunnel. Her earnings are meagre and to make things worse, the new security guard is trying to confiscate her fiddle. A silent comedy with music by blues/jazz artist and screen composer Jan Preston, it features actors Tony Barry and Alice Ansara, and was directed by industry stalwart Martha Ansara. The 12-minute film was shown at the recent Sydney Film Festival’s Lord Mayor’s Community Screening, and has been described by David Stratton as ‘totally charming, inventive and delightful.’
You may have walked past their camera in December 2004 in Devonshire Street Tunnel, or been one of 150 extras who danced wildly out of the tunnel into the city. If you remember having been in the midst of the filming, claim your fifteen seconds of fame by showing up at the cast and crew party in Newtown on July 23 at 7pm (venue TBA – contact Rivka Hartman on 9349 4934 or Identify yourself on screen and they’ll give you a free DVD. The launch party will also be the occasion for the announcement of a new scheme to promote the exhibition of short films, S.O.S. ‘ See Our Shorts. Several short films will be screened, accompanied by raffles, music and fun.