Nerd alert: Reel Anime is currently on at Dendy Newtown, showcasing four of the freshest anime feature films out of Japan. The most highly anticipated of the four is Batman: Gotham Knight – a new entry into the Batman mythos from six of Japan’s hottest directors, weaving six interlocking stories that reveal Bruce Wayne’s journey to Dark Knight. With original and stylish art, it presents thrilling new adventures of Batman and spotlights several of Gotham City’s most dangerous villains.”
Also part of the program is Appleseed: Ex Machina, based on the popular science fiction manga.’Partners Deunan and Briareos are members of the elite forces serving Olympus. The two fighters find their partnership tested by the arrival of Tereus who uncannily resembles Briareos before the wartime injuries that led to his becoming a cyborg. When Olympus comes under a stealth attack, Deunan must contend with cyborg terrorism, deadly nanotech zealots, and rioting as she fights to save Olympus and her relationship.
In the CGI extravaganza Vexille the year is 2077 and due to a sophisticated ultra magnetic shield, no one can enter or leave Japan, and it is impossible to observe the country using satellite surveillance methods. The USA has created a special force unit, SWORD, to enter Japan and investigate the country’s development in robotic technology, which is banned by the UN.
For something less testosterine-pumped, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time tells the story of the clumsy teenage girl Makoto who gains the ability to leap backwards through time. She sets about preventing personal mishaps but soon realises that changing the past isn’t so simple’
For fans of anime or people just wanting a taste of the unique Japanese animation genre, this is a unique opportunity to experience some of the newest creations on the big screen.
Reel Anime 2008
July 3-16
Dendy Newtown
261-263 King St Newtown
9550 5699 or