Ducklings on two wheels

Ducklings on two wheels

Life cycle bannerOur City of Sydney does do more for cyclists than build controversial cycleways.  “Cycling in the City” is a free course for people over 18 ‘who can already ride but want confidence to ride on city streets’.

At 8.35 one recent Saturday morning your columnist arrived at the Community and Road Education Scheme [CARES] Facility in Sydney Park getting chided for being five minutes late. Patrick – a wiry Western Australian who was a bicycle courier in Perth then Sydney before moving into cyclist training via teaching – is very no-nonsense and back-to-basics. He is disappointed only three of ten students booked have fronted this fine morning.

After an hour of theory discussing different road conditions and situations illustrated on a whiteboard we move outside for straightforward skills drills. Andrew, Pat’s amiable assistant, shows us how, and Liz, a Canadian guy and I demonstrate proficiency in steering around witches’ hats, peering around at various angles and stopping.

After snacks and rehydration our instructors lead us out like doting mother ducks. These guys are scrupulously safe, scooting ahead to usher us through roundabouts, and constantly vigilant.

Experience has taught them how much danger is on the roads. That is why Pat is emphatic about taking a prime position where you can see and be seen. Use the centre of the lane. Too many riders cause confusion by scuttling along gutters or seek accidents by riding in the ‘door zone’ – that metre beside cars where doors swing open and bad things happen.

Cyclists have the same rights as other road users but greater risks. Any accident threatens life and limb, not merely pesky panel-beating bills. Know what traffic is around you. Make eye contact with drivers. Smile. Say thank you. Sydney’s roads are not unfriendly if you make the effort to ride graciously.

American academics notwithstanding.

Hit the City of Sydney website and book a morning with Pat and Andy.

by Peter Whitehead

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