For the uninitiated, Dragonforce will come across in one of two ways. Either the listener will be thrilled to bits by the remarkably dexterous speed-metal textures and heroic power melodies, or they may be repulsed by the idiocy of the whole thing. Either way, this double live disc is impressive as it  demonstrates the unique power of of this odd band. Aside from the occasional breathless passage from lead singer/wailer ZP Theart, you could almost swear this was a multi-tracked studio album, their live performances are so exacting and immaculately rehearsed. The music itself is ridiculous, really – it’s very boyish, super-hero fantasy metal, lined with super-fast guitar pyrotechnics that must be heard to be believed. ZP Theart is the rock god for the Playstation generation – slinky and arrogant, all big hair and open-chested earnestness, wailing at the top of his lungs with that peculiar husk that only the school of hair-metal can produce. The band has some hits over the years, featured on Guitar Hero (no less); Heroes of Our Time, Fury of the Storm, My Spirit Will Go On (all featured here), and no matter your musical stance, this is all highly entertaining. If you don’t feel the ‘force, you’ll at least have a good time laughing along with their unique musical lunacy.


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