When I spoke to Tim Nelson he was on his lunch break from his day job as an orthodontist’s assistant. As exciting as making dental retainers is (he assures me) the singer/keyboardist and songwriter for Brisbane indie-pop quintet Cub Scouts was just as happy to discuss the release of the group’s first EP Told You So from which the single Evie was lifted to become a Triple J favourite.

Evie’s about my dog,” Nelson concedes. “Some of [the songs] are about my friends and about the good and bad things that have happened. If it’s had an effect on me it’s good enough to write a song about.”

One gets the impression then that Nelson has been blessed with some wonderful experiences as the EP is brimming with melodic hooks, upbeat rhythms and colourful imagery and the band was able to create such a tidy statement with the help of producer John Castle, known for his work with Cat Empire and Megan Washington.

Now that the band has released the EP in time for summer Nelson explains that he’ll be taking the Cub Scouts show on the road, and that they’ve got a couple of surprises in store.

“We’ll be performing most of the songs from the EP as well as some new stuff that will probably feature on our next release. It’ll be the first time we’ll be playing a lot of that stuff live and we’ve even got a Destiny’s Child cover.” Nelson’s not allowed to reveal what the song will be … except to assure us that it’ll be “a classic.

Dec 13, 8pm, Goodgod SmallClub, 55 Liverpool Street, Chinatown, $10+BF,


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