Council off the rails over Fitzroy Gardens

Council off the rails over Fitzroy Gardens

As more and more Kings Cross locals realise that the heart of their village, the Fitzroy Gardens, is to be demolished and replaced, resistance is growing via submissions to Council saying “Please leave it alone”.

But Council’s determination to remake the whole city into a neo-modernist theme park is not matched by City Rail, who have rolled out a poster campaign on stations extolling the attractions of local areas.

It’s a nice idea, relieving the usual jumble of “buy me” messages and extending commuters’ vision beyond the limits of their daily stop.

The posters are a gentle inducement to alight somewhere different and explore unfamiliar parts of Sydney.

But no-one told City Rail that Fitzroy Gardens is a dysfunctional, worthless place that needs to be replaced. No, there it is at each end of the platform, pictured large as life, sunlight streaming through magnificent trees, an oasis of peace that challenges the obvious preconceptions about the Cross – neon-lit gangsters starring in television series and drunken revellers starring in the sermons of the new temperance movement.

City Rail seems to think Fitzroy Gardens is a beautiful attraction in its own right, their chosen image not even including the over-exposed El Alamein Fountain.

Those who agree with City Rail should let Council know the Gardens are precious just as they are. Some things in Sydney must be left to grow old gracefully. Submissions on the latest design proposal theoretically closed yesterday. But there is no closing date cited on the website and Council should still accept comments as the plans were a few days late appearing on the site.

Have your say at Click development > City improvements > Parks and reserves. You can also email or write to Councillors.

by Michael Gormly

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