Paul Dyer

For the Australian Brandenburg Orchestra’s 21st birthday, they are celebrating with an iconic baroque piece from the 18th century; Handel’s Zadok the Priest. Brandenburg Orchestra director Paul Dyer says, “It is one of the biggest party pieces EVER! It has got such an amazing build that gives the audience goose bumps, until the moment when the choir kicks with a wall of sound and totally blows your hair back.  From the stage you can see people’s mouths drop open in awe – it is very powerful, even for people who aren’t regular listeners of classical music.” Originally performed at the coronation of King George II in 1727, it has since been the musical refrain of every coronation since then. It even accompanied ‘our Mary’ as she walked down the aisle to meet her Danish prince Frederick. “When someone gets crowned ruler of their people, you need to roll out the big guns,” says Dyer, “It has got great melodies and brings lump to your throat and it oozes ‘special occasion’.” Sounds like a perfect fit to commemorate an Orchestra that aims to keep, “Alive and relevant for 20 year olds and their grandparents too.” They’ve even clocked up four ARIAs over the years – despite the fact that Dyer confirms, “We are more hard-core baroque-ers, rather than rockers!” Join the party from July 30.

Jul 30-Aug 7, City Recital Hall, 2-12 Angel Place, Sydney, $21-130, 8256 2222,

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