Remember when concerts were mostly music and crowd-surfing? Then the Flaming Lips came along, and Wayne Coyne was like, “AW HELL NO”, and now every concert you go to you’re wondering where the confetti and Yeti backup dancers are.

Well, Club Cab Sav could do for stand-up comedy what the Flaming Lips did for live music.

What sounds like a very cheerful Alcoholics Anonymous group is in fact the new monthly offering from Goodgod Small Club, featuring the comic stylings of Claudia O’Doherty, Zoe Coombs Marr, Eddie Sharp, Nick Coyle and occasional guests.

The show’s fifth pillar, Kenzie Larsen, filled us in.

KL: Basically it’s a night of short works: comedy, performance, video. It’s – and I’m hesitant to use this word – kind of an alternative comedy night.

ST: Would you go so far as to call it indie?

[There is a pause.]

KL: Um. I guess if I had to.

ST: Do you all have a special talent to show off? Is this a Captain Planet kind of deal?

KL: We want to use it more as a night to try out new material, almost like a club night. It’s not quite stand-up and it’s not quite performance art.

ST: Tell us about the name – are you all secretly alcoholics?

KL: It comes from Claudia O’Doherty’s [now-defunct variety show] Cabaret Sauvignon. Which just takes a really long time to say. So now we’re Club Cab Sav. Which kind of still takes a long time to say.

ST: So in two months time you’ll shorten it again and the cool kids will be going down to CCS on the weekend. What can we expect from Club Cab Sav’s first outing?

KL: Claudia will be doing a teaser from her show The Telescope, which she’s about to take to the Melbourne International Comedy Festival. And I’ll be performing part of a show I’m working on – Friend Ship. It will be a spectacle.

Mar 21, 8.30pm, Goodgod Small Club, 53-55 Liverpool Street, $10 at the door

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