Chippendale to become a ‘students’ playground?

Chippendale to become a ‘students’ playground?

by Emma Rugg
Concerned by spiralling numbers of students at The University of Notre Dame (UND) in Chippendale, residents have used Freedom of Information (FOI) processes to access the university’s long-term development plans.

‘As residents we feel as though we’re being lost in the development. It’s becoming a playground,’ said design teacher and resident Costa Loucopoulos He was echoing locals’ concerns about overcrowding, overshadowing and infrastructure strain associated with the Catholic University’s expansion.

The Chippendale Community Working Party says that before UND opened in 2006, it projected 860 students by 2010 but the current enrolment is already 1,800 and growing.

The university’s most recent application to redevelop Pioneer House at 128 Broadway closed last Sunday and if approved, would cater for another 480 students and 90 staff.

Through its FOI investigation, the Chippendale group believes there are also plans to build high-rise student accommodation, to expand along Broadway and Grafton Street, and to redevelop parts of the unique Blackfriars and St Benedict’s sites.

Following concern over development last December, UND invited community feedback on its masterplan by organising an information session, letter drops and email notices.

But the Chippendale group claims it wasn’t given enough time to respond and was later refused when it requested more detailed information, forcing it to resort to FOI to learn about the long-term vision.

Terry Craig, UND’s Director of Campus Development, says they were inclusive from the beginning. ‘There was very little interest from local residents. No objections were raised at the session and support for the UND’s proposal was expressed.’

Mr Craig explains that they were reluctant to share more about their longer term plans because they were still in development, but they didn’t fight to withhold the information either. ‘The University has instructed Council to provide the information requested under the FOI consistent with its policy of remaining transparent and open,’ he said.

UND isn’t alone in its growth, with Sydney University and the University of Technology also expanding around Chippendale, leading the State Government to rebrand it ‘an educational hub.’ In addition the Fraser’s development on Broadway (former Carlton United Brewery) will bring thousands more people into the area daily.

Residents are concerned that the developments will turn their unique suburb into an urban wasteland that could belong in any big City.

Mr Loucopoulos says he supports development, but like other residents wants more green spaces and fewer incongruent building styles. UND insists their development will be good for the are.a Using the example of Pioneer House, Mr Craig said, ‘The DA proposes internal alterations and minor repairs to the external fabric of the building which will improve the building’s heritage value.’

Council maintains that Chippendale is a mixed zone, not purely residential, and issues such as parking will be addressed as they arise.

Traffic impacts had been addressed by UND: ‘The applicant submitted a detailed traffic report with the application. Council encourages the use of public transport and bicycle facilities for all developments,’ said a Council spokesperson.

UND welcomes further input: ‘Once a comprehensive masterplan for the University has been prepared, further community consultation will take place and feedback from the community will be invited,’ said Mr Craig.

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