Car share: the way to go

Car share: the way to go

Sydney residents and small businesses have reinforced their approval for the expansion of car share membership in the city.

A recent exhibition by the City of Sydney saw 98 per cent of 274 submissions received from residents support the expansion of car share.

Tristan Sender, Managing Director of GoGet Car share stated that the support for car share companies stems from the notion that for every use of a single car share vehicle, there are nine less vehicles on the road. car share therefore reduces traffic congestion and on-street parking demand.

“By promoting car share and bike riding as options for people who live close to the city centre, we are working to ease congestion and make a positive impact on the environment,” Lord Mayor Clover Moore MP said.

Jon Walter from the City of Sydney Council has stated that council is aiming to increase the use of car share so that by 2016, one in 10 city households will use car share and public transport as their focal mechanisms of travelling.

Gabrielle Last, a spokesperson for the Office of Environment and Heritage, stated that car share has an undeniably positive impact on the environment due to the fact that the average passenger car travels 13,700 kilometres per year and emits 3.5 tonnes of carbon dioxide.

“Every vehicle that is taken off the road will have an impact on reducing the total amount of carbon emitted into the atmosphere,” said Ms Last.

Mr Sender stated that the environmental benefits of car share are merely a consequence of the value in not owning a car. A recent survey made by GoGet Car share has shown that 68 per cent of people said if car share companies did not exist they would buy a vehicle and subsequently that they would have to park it in the street.

“The use of Car share companies such as Go Get, are meant to complement the use of public transport. It doesn’t work if you just use one or the other,” Sender said.

The city has allocated 190 street car share spaces for Hertz, GreenShareCar and GoGet. With a simple click of a computer mouse, residents and small business owners will easily find a car parked nearby, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Car share is ideal for all those who live close to the city centre.

“There are baby-friendly cars, with special car seats installed. We even have dog-friendly cars. There is literally a car available for every man and his dog,” Mr Sender said.

By Holly De Boer

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