This bizarre, unconventional and very low-budget independent film is a whimsical fable, or perhaps more aptly, a fractured fairy tale which may initially confuse audiences as to what they are expected to absorb from the mildly comical drama.

Kidnapped as a child, James (Kyle Mooney) is forced to live in an underground house where he watches a children’s series especially filmed for him by his captor called The Adventures Of Brigsby Bear, a show which spreads energy and positivity.

When released by the law-enforces as an adult, James is returned to his parents and dreams of producing a movie which ends the series, but must first conform to a world which he knows nothing about.

Should James produce the movie with the original props and costumes which were literally tools utilised by disturbed people to imprison him for 25 years? Should he move on with life without Brigsby Bear who has until now been his whole world?

Mark Hamill makes a rare screen appearance as the abductor in this strangely unique and distorted film which in the eyes of many movie-goers, may appear to unashamedly parody the evil crime of child abduction. (MMo)


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