From the comedic chanchadas of Carmen Miranda to the Italian-inspired Cinema Novo movement of the 60s, the soft-porn of the 70s and 80s to the collapse of the film industry of 1991, Brazilian cinema has certainly dolly-rolled over some rocky terrain. Thankfully, a series of critically acclaimed hits (such as 2002’s City of Gods) has helped cement the country’s status as a player in the celluloid circuit once more. This year’s Brazilian Film Festival brings to Sydney a small but quality sample from the sundrenched country: a reprisal of the 1961 classic 5 x Favela; Nosso Lar, a fascinating exploration of the world’s largest Spiritist following; mega-hit Cilada (putting two million Brazilian bums on seats in three weeks); Cobaca by a one-time Australian documentarian; and many, many more. (AB)
Nov 14-21, Palace Norton, 99 Norton St, Leichhardt, $14.50-40 (opening night),