Isobel is a French prostitute whose love for a client is sadly unrequited; every day she struggles with the irony of lust without fulfilment. Bordello Blues created by cabaret songstress, Nikki Nouveau, is a bittersweet tale that explores the darker side of society. “It’s a burlesque show about happiness and tragedy,” she says.

Narrating through a series of French and English songs, Nouveau also combines various artistic mediums to tell Isobel’s story, adding her original take on the traditional burlesque theme.

“I have elements of classical burlesque in my shows [but] the combination of different artistic genres to tell the story is what makes my show different, using songs to tell the story,” explains Nouveau.

Featuring glamorous music from the evocative Edith Piaf and Nina Simone and combining elements such as ballet and aerial artists to narrate this tale of love, Nouveau creates a truly theatrical event for one night only at the equally sultry Slide venue. (LL)

April 4, Slide, 41 Oxford Street, Darlinghurst, $30-70, 02 8915 1899,

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