Bicycle bandits strike underground

Bicycle bandits strike underground

Thieves have targeted underground car parks and garages in Ultimo and Pyrmont to steal almost thirty thousand dollars-worth of bicycles.

Police estimate a dozen road bikes have been stolen over the last two months, with many of them being taken from underground car parks.

“It is a concern they are stealing such expensive bikes,” said Detective Inspector and Crime Manager John Maricic from City Central LAC.

“Bear in mind some of these bikes cost upwards to several thousand dollars…they’re pretty sophisticated modes of transport.”

Detective Inspector Maricic said the culprits often rode cheaper bikes to the area and would ditch their vehicles once a more expensive bike was identified and stolen.

“We have noticed on a number of occasions that it would appear offenders have ridden a more cheaper bike to the area and identified the
more expensive bike and stolen that.”

Police have circulated CCTV footage of the thefts internally and Detective Inspector Maricic said it appears a number of different individuals are involved.

“But we aren’t ruling out that [the crimes and offenders] may all be linked as well,” he said.

Detective Inspector Maricic said it was important cyclists keep a record of the serial number on their bikes.

“Anecdotally we’ve heard [the thieves] are painting them, repainting them and changing some of the mechanics like the gears.

“If it’s still got the serial number on it at least we can link it back to the theft.”

He urges cyclists to keep their bikes locked and to “secure them away out of view…perhaps inside their actual dwellings or units.”

When asked whether this type of crime was common Detective Inspector Maricic said: “I suppose if there is a demand in anything
you’re more than likely to see a spike in a particular crime.”

Bike expert from Clarence St Cyclery Mark agreed the thefts were partly due to a spike in recent sales.

“Bike sales have gone up enormously over the past three or four years.”

Mark said road bikes can cost anywhere between $1000 to $18,000; making them “quite attractive pickings for the dirty bicycle thieves.

“I would never concede of leaving my bike in a garage at all,” he said.

“I think the primary factor is that people associate secure parking with car parks… But bikes are far more vulnerable and pilferable.”

Police urge the public to report any suspicious activity by calling City Central Police Station on 92656499.




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