Are you F$%&ing s#@!!ing me?

Are you F$%&ing s#@!!ing me?

By Roger Hanney

Dumbest. Reich. Ever.

The competence of George W. Bush appointees hasn’t been bad for everybody.

The family friends he put in charge of his Presidential library – surely the most ironic legacy ever ‘ created quite a handy profit for some enterprising Americans.

Seeing that ownership of the domain name ‘’ had recently expired, a group of cyber-squatters named Illuminati Karate picked it up for $10.

The Dallas Morning News reported that the domain name was soon sold back to the caretakers of W’s legacy ‘. for $35, 000’.

Another scientific breakthrough!

New Scientist recently reported that Argentinean researchers have made a discovery vital for the wellbeing of future life on this planet.

In a double-blind study, they found that hamsters given Viagra endured jetlag about 50 per cent better than hamsters who were given a placebo.

This does of course raise a number of questions.

Since when do hamsters fly internationally’ What happens when a plane load of refreshed and horny hamsters disembarks’ Is that a hamster in your pocket or are you happy to see me’

And what the hell are researchers smoking in Argentina’

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