Andrew Hamilton Jokes About Jail Time

Andrew Hamilton Jokes About Jail Time


Andrew Hamilton hasn’t had the usual launching point for most comedians. In 2021, Hamilton was arrested for supplying psychedelic drugs and then spent four months in two of Sydney’s maximum security prisons. 

During this time, Hamilton decided to look at the bright side and note the comedic aspects of his time in prison. He claims “he had a great time”. 

As a result and upon his release, trolling the criminal justice system has become Hamilton’s new hustle. 

Post-release, Hamilton began to do stand-up comedy with great success. Initially, his stand-up was performed under strict conditions where his parents needed to accompany him and his shows couldn’t be too late due to curfew. 

Since then, he’s been nominated for Best Newcomer (2023) for the Melbourne International Comedy Festival and has sold out shows at both Melbourne International Comedy Festival (2024) and the Sydney Comedy Festival (2024). 

He’s gained quite the international following with his shows Jokes About the Time I Went to Prison and his follow-up hour Shit Bloke

Now, he is kicking off his first extended national tour with the very show that launched his career, Jokes About the Time I Went to Prison

He is performing on August 2 in Sydney at the Paddington RSL. Show starts at 7 pm. 

If you can’t make it then, Hamilton is performing at various other venues throughout New South Wales and even other locations outside the state. 

As stated on his website by the NSW Police, his upcoming show is “one to watch”.  

Tickets can be purchased here

General admission is $34.70

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