All eyes on the money

All eyes on the money

The ANZAC two-up game in Kings Cross is a tradition going back 62 years on the one day of the year this gambling game is legal.  Council helps by spreading a ring of fine gravel that prevents coins bouncing or rolling. Each year veteran out-of-towners roll in from places like Cobar or Dubbo and start spruiking a game a few seconds after midnight on ANZAC Day. The game goes all night and day, unsupervised, with hundreds of dollars changing hands on each spin and never a bad word as the veterans mix it with everyone from young clubbers to locals to tourists, explaining the simple rules as they go. Cries of “Come in spinner”  and “Any tailbackers for twenty” punctuate the night, just as they have for decades. Pictured is this year’s day shift carefully watching the spin.

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