If you search for Brooklyn’s post-post-punk collective Aa (say: Big A little a) online, you get a host of totally unrelated and yet tonally quite appropriate  linkes: to Alcoholics Anonymous, hipster clothing label American Apparel, an insurance company and American Airlines. All-American, all addictive, all dangerous to health and belongings.

Dismantling the DIY aesthetic with the fervour of a hacksaw, Aa are in the country to celebrate the release of their first Australian release, mAate. With three drums and many dudes shouting, the kudos for the collective flows in thick, fast and abstract: “”Passionately clamorous local experimenters,” (New York Times); “Aa takes home the mindf**k award” (Austin Chronicle); “Art-core krunk?” (Flavorpill).

You’ll really have to witness the spectacle yourself to see if you buy the hype. They will be joined at the Red Rattler by Melbourne’s Rat vs. Possum. Don your splatter smock and get ready to get aurally assaulted. (AB)

May 6, Red Rattler, 6 Faversham St, Marrickville, redrattler.org

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