A Lion Returns
This low budget controversial new Australian film, written and directed by Serhat Caradee, deserves many accolades and should be classified as mandatory viewing.
Jamal is a Muslim who returns to Australia to visit his terminally ill mother. He’s regarded as a terrorist in Australia, disowned by his father for bringing much shame and misery to his family.
He claims Allah (the Islamic god) gave him a mission that he carried out for all the Muslims in the world, but is he really a brainwashed radical extremist who is slowly being tormented by his past actions?
Audiences should be drawn in quickly to this topical, highly emotional, and dramatic film which ultimately aims to educate Australians on one significant misconception they may have of the Muslim religion – that the faith supports terrorism.
Powerful performances from a vastly unknown cast compound to the dark and confronting nature of this story which also concerns betrayal and family honour. (MMo)
★★★ ½