Christian Democratic Party lacks ‘basic human rights’

Christian Democratic Party lacks ‘basic human rights’
Image: No friend of the LGBTI community: Christian Democratic Party leader Fred Nile

Political campaigners highlighted the Christian Democratic Party’s lack of concern with regards to basic human rights and justice following the party’s obstruction of a motion in the NSW Parliament last week to commemorate transgender victims of violence.

The motion put forward by the Greens on Transgender Day of Remembrance intended to acknowledge the harassment, discrimination and social exclusion many trans people endure.

“It’s been clear for a while that the Christian Democratic Party are no friends of the LGBTI community,” said Mehreen Faruqi, Greens NSW Member.

“But I was taken aback by their objection to a motion which was really just about remembering the tragic and needless loss of members of our community and highlighted the discrimination and ostracism many transgender people face,” she said.

“As a society, it is important for us to recognise the prejudice, intimidation and violence trans people still face and act urgently to counter and remove this discrimination and provide support and health services for our trans community.

“I think many religious leaning people will be disappointed to see the Christian Democratic Party not stand up for basic human rights and justice.”

World Transgender Day of Remembrance occurs annually on 20 November and is observed in 20 countries and 180 cities around the world. The day was established 15 years ago following the death of an African American woman in Boston.

The day is marked for those who have been killed as a result of hatred or fear of transgender and gender non-confirming people and aims to bring to attention the continued violence and discrimination the trans community endures.

“There were 238 known murders [of trans people] in the 12 months to 31 October 2013 around the world – I think that is appalling in itself,” said Sally Goldner, Executive Director of Transgender Victoria.

“I think it’s very callous and inhuman of the Christian Democrats to block a motion recognising what is happening,” she said.

“Transgender Victoria would be happy to talk to them about why this is so important and for them to meet with transgender people.”

The Gender Centre emphasised that moves by the Christian Democratic Party were not in agreement with the spirit and principles of Christianity.

“The Gender Centre deplores the unChristian and undemocratic action of the Christian Democrats in blocking the motion.”

A campaigner for the trans community, Indi Kelly Edwards, discussed how she had experienced subtle discrimination in the workplace.

“I’ve experienced workplace discrimination – there are laws in this country against that – but it’s never blatant, it’s always under the table in a non-conspicuous way because people obviously don’t want to be caught,” she said.

Ms Edwards went onto detail and incident of harassment that left her dealing with the emotional repercussions.

“I remember walking up Spring St in the city and I had four girls follow me for about four blocks with just a tirade of abuse,” she said.

“I chose not to react to it but it is these sorts of things that at the end of the day you take home with you and then you have to deal with.”

The Greens’ motion intended to highlight how transgender people suffer high rates of emotional distress and contemplate suicide as a result of discrimination and harassment.

“I’ve had my bad times where I’ve felt like I want to check out but for some reason I always seem to get through it,” said Ms Edwards.

“I think a lot of it is keeping in touch with my community and a sense that I’m involved in a civil rights movement.”

Ms Faruqi said it was important to raise awareness that gender variance is a normal biological occurrence.

“Gender variance is a normal and natural biological occurrence within the human population. It is our duty to raise awareness of this in the broader community while providing health services to strongly support our trans communities.”

The Christian Democratic Party was contacted numerous times for comment but did not respond.

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