Best place to see the unseen: Mu-Meson Archives
“Australia’s premier underground cinema and source of esoteric knowledge”…could not have put it better myself. Want to know where to see a Divine retrospective? A Bill Hick’s doco? Sydney’s first Robot Fair and movie feast? How about some Para(noide) Politics? If it wasn’t for Jamie and Aspa and the crew, these gems would be gathering dust and degrading; even YouTube can’t match the eclectic mix available here. Included under the Mu-Meson banner are Texas Chainsaw Trivia and the perfectly named Miss Death’s Stitch n Bitch – knitting was never so much fun. Best place for keeping the celluloid dream alive and the underbelly culture of our fine city well exposed. (Chris Peken) Parramatta Rd, Annandale 9517 2010,