The story of Goldilocks has undergone many variations in its life. The original three male adult bears became a family, Goldilocks was transformed from a meddling and reprobate old woman to a pretty if feckless little girl, and the moral of the story seems to have shifted from a cautionary tale about home invasion, cleanliness and respect, to one about finding that little piece of the world that’s ‘just right’. It seems like this may only be the start of Goldilocks journey, however, as the tale takes on new cosmic implications in our quickening search for other inhabitable planets. ‘The Goldilocks Region’ is the name given to that little piece of space that, like Earth, is just the right distance from a heat, light, or energy source: Little Bear’s bed, if you will. Artist Giles Alexander’s The Goldilocks Region is a collection of oil and resin paintings that explore our first tentative steps to see what lies beyond the boundaries of our local galaxies. The works contemplate both the past and future of this exploration, religious and historical iconography contrasting with mysterious images of planets, suspended in space and removed from all context, like images beamed back from outer space. Although the depictions of angels, Buddhist icons and Greek-looking statues were expertly rendered, it was the large-scale Home? series that held most of my attention. These visions of other-worldly homes are beautiful, though tinged with a distance and uncertainty that gives them an element of sadness. Perhaps the old Goldilocks still has something to teach us about the perils that come with not looking out for the home you have.
Until Jul 23, Grant Pirrie Gallery, 86 George St, Redfern, 9699 9033,