A Dog’s Journey
A Dog’s Journey, directed by Gail Mancuso, is a picture book corn-fed, country style, feel-good movie with a difference.
Yes, it’s the story of a dog, told by a dog who keeps coming back as a different dog but it is also the story of a fractured family unit with all the angst and complications that make us want to run and keep running until we can find a place to regenerate and breathe.
The film is actually a sequel to, A Dog’s Purpose which is about the relationship between a boy (Ethan) and his dog (Bailey). Told through the voice of Bailey it is about the dog’s quest for the true meaning of what it is to be a dog. What is the purpose of being a dog? A Dog’s Journey is a continuation of this theme.
This theme is sensitively dealt with and the film does not become overly sentimental.
Gotta love dogs eh? (RLD)