Kakawa is a chocolate shop that sells a no frills approach to indulgence. With nowhere to sit in front of the display of luxury chocolates, it is a shop for those cynical of places trying to recreate the Willy Wonka experience (we’re looking at you, large mixing chocolate vats at Max Brenner). What is distinctly Wonka-ish though, is the reliability of the flavours. The earl grey mousse and the matcha ganache will sing those distinctly tea flavours and the kalamata olive will surprisingly taste like a jar of kalamata olives. The store is a half open kitchen, half display cabinet; embodying the precision of a Japanese stationery store and the finesse of a French patisserie. The hot chocolates are for a sophisticated palate – the dark hot chocolate trembles on the bitter and options like Brandy hold quite a kick. Unlike the blocks of Cadbury you scoff down unthinkingly, at Kakawa you’ll buy a memory sealed in a crisp, shiny shell.

147 William St, Darlinghurst. 9331 8818.

By Vamshika Bakshi

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