Image: Hung Like a Horse is at the Midnight Shift on 31 January 2013

What started as a simple interest in how music was made by a 12-year-old boy quickly grew into a lifelong passion, which has all been leading to this moment.

Sydney based producer 316, also known as Ian Otieno, is so excited and proud to be launching his second full-length album as a fully independent artist. “As a kid my main goal was just to learn how music was made but when I got deeper and deeper into it I wanted to do it myself more and more,” explained Ian.

When Ian immigrated to Armidale from Kasumi, Kenya, at the age of seven, music became an integral part of his life, listening to music from all around the world. “I wish I could name specific people that have influenced my music over the years but I’ve been influenced by way too many different styles and artists,” reflected Ian. “I started getting into hip-hop around 12 or 13 and since then every artist has moulded my style.”

This passion for hip-hop spurred Ian to begin creating his own music, having produced four solo and two group projects in the past. Now focussed entirely on his solo project 316, he is set to release his second full-length album. As Ian explained creating the music as an independent artist has never been the difficult part for him, rather it’s the “marketing and getting people to find the music online”.

Ideally this is where support from the local hip-hop scene would support artists and help them get this exposure, but from Ian’s experience this hasn’t been the case. “There is this sort of ‘pick me first’ mentality because the scene in Sydney is so young the support hasn’t transferred over from simple collaborations, yet but I can see that it’s still growing,” Ian said. “Apart from that though there are so many really really talented people involved, from rappers to producers to dancers and graffiti artists who all just need that little bit of promotion.” (JA)

Jul 22, 9pm. Valve Bar/Agincourt Hotel, 871 George St, Sydney. $15 door sales. Info: facebook.com/316themenace

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