Australian contingent to set sail to Gaza
The Free Gaza Movement is currently organizing a flotilla to send aid to the Gaza strip and break the Israeli blockade which is preventing much needed supplies from reaching the 1.5 million citizens of Gaza whose borders are entirely controlled by the Israeli military.
Organizers were concerned that the violence encountered by the last flotilla in May would discourage people from providing support, but have instead found that they have been inundated with requests from people who are anxious to assist and wish to end the current military occupation.
Australian activists from the Free Gaza Movement are organizing an Australian contingent for the next flotilla, which is due to depart in October. The flotillas depart from European ports and travel through international waters, and are careful not to breach Israeli waters. Each boat costs approximately 300 000 Euros and carries crews of 50 people. Australia is unable to send its own vessel, and is thus co-operating with two other countries. The local Free Gaza Movement is attempting to raise $14,500 for Palestinian relief and is working with union aid programs and local church groups.
The organizers are seeking donations and hope that people will organize fundraisers and are accepting pledges, which will only be provided if the requisite sum of money is raised.
The Free Gaza Movement is dedicated to empowering people to raise their concerns about the current occupation and encouraging people to offer aid and assistance without government intervention. They believe the siege will not be broken by government action, but by individuals providing aid and assistance and resisting the oppression of the people of Gaza.