When I think of Latin America, my thoughts inexplicably turn to a good friend who, despite vehemently claiming he has Latin American heritage, is ‘absurdly white’ (much to his chagrin). Still, he’s done a remarkable job convincing people otherwise: he speaks fluent Spanish, studied in Chile for a year, dates a beautiful Latina, often sports Salsa-style get-up and knows how to Salsa dance in the most hyperbolic of ways. Although my friend’s affinity for the richly diverse cultures of Central and South America is now irrevocably firm, the 2010 Sydney Latin American Film Festival promises to ignite the same passion in scores of other Sydneysiders. Featuring over sixty films spanning from Rio Grande to Tierra del Fuego and the Caribbean, the festival is certainly worth getting excited about. At a glance, it’s a welcome antidote to Hollywood’s output. For instance, Argentina’s The Last Summer of La Boyita provides a refreshing spin on the coming-of-age conceit with its measured use of naïve charm and quiet sorrow. Exploring darker territory is Mexico’s perverse and offbeat comedy Chilango Chronicles, which channels Tarantino with its fragmented narrative about the residents of Mexico City. Finally, the wonderfully idiosyncratic Chasing Che, which trades fiction for fact, explores the profound influence iconic Marxist revolutionary Che Guevara has had on an amateur Iranian documentary filmmaker. With the festival also offering plenty of food, drink, music and opportunities to dance, it may well be this year’s biggest fiesta. Proceeds will be donated to grassroots community development projects in Latin America and Australia.

Sept 1-19, Dendy Opera Quays, Macquarie University, Casula Powerhouse, Mu-Meson Archives, prices vary, sydneylatinofilmfestival.org

Hola readers! Want to be put on the door for The Last Summer of La Boyita at Dendy Opera Quays on September 5th at 4pm? Simply email all your details to win@alternativemediagroup.com, rapido!

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