Youth service to return

Youth service to return
Image: Glebe Youth Service on Glebe Point Rd.

Glebe Youth Service says Housing NSW and the Land and Housing Corporation have approached it with a proposal that would see the youth centre reopen in mid-February.

The building at 84 Glebe Point Road was shut down in November because of concerns it did not comply with fire safety standards. GYS was given only a few hours notice and workers arrived that morning to find they were locked out.

The closure sparked community outrage and efforts have been underway to have the youth service restored. Members of its management committee said they were “delighted” that an agreement had been reached so quickly.

“We are all extremely grateful to the many members and representatives of the local community who rallied to the aid of GYS and made it clear how much you all value the work done by GYS,” the group posted on Facebook.

But Darcy Byrne, mayor of Leichhardt and former GYS manager, warned that without intervention from the state government, this amounted to “lip service from some bureaucrat”.

“Minister [Pru] Goward is still refusing to give any written guarantee that the Youth Service will be allowed to return to its home,” he said.

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