Whale of a time

Whale of a time

October is whale season, and Bondi-ites might gather to sneak a peak at the humpbacks returning to their southern feeding grounds in the Antarctic after mating in warmer waters up north.

Ben Buckler Point on the northern head is renowned as the best whale-spotting spot in Bondi.

The humpbacks use the East Australian Current (EAC), which generally begins about 5.6km from the coast, to move south.

But while the males motor back home and are hard to spot, the mothers and their calfs tend to make a slower passage, often harbouring close to beaches to rest and feed.

In 2007, a mother and her calf even paid a visit to Rose Bay, entertaining locals with their surfacing antics. And while less frequent, the Southern Right Whale can also be spotted this time of year.

Perhaps ambitious locals could attempt to imitate Peter Carrette’s shot (above).


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