Virginia Milson: Greens Candidate for Hunter Ward

Virginia Milson: Greens Candidate for Hunter Ward

I have lived in Waverley for over 25 years, my children have attended school here and I have always been active in the community participating in the P&C, Bushcare, heritage and precinct committees.

I have been committed to preventing the loss of our natural environment and heritage for over 20 years and therefore joined the Greens.
I have been convenor of the Bronte Beach Precinct for the last seven years. We have introduced a series of speakers to the precinct dealing with such issues as global warming, living sustainably, peak oil, and car share to name a few. As a result of this series we have succeeded in the car share system being introduced to the municipality. My involvement in the Precinct has given me a reasonable understanding as to how the council operates.

I believe that residents are very concerned about overdevelopment in the area. I want to see a new Council control excessive development and give our children and the elderly – the most vulnerable in our society – a fair go.


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