They often say that nothing of any real value is for free these days but during the past few years a number of Sydneysiders have discovered that the opposite is often true. Whilst we neither encourage or condone the art of freeloading it does appear that the opportunities are there and in the interests of public awareness we feel obliged to make this information available.

Free Wine & Nibblies: Every week in Sydney there are multiple openings of art exhibitions in boutique galleries spread right across the city. Whilst they are often invitation only nobody bothers to check credentials and  it’s easy to blend in with the crowd if you are appropriately dressed and feign a few admiring glances at the artwork on display. Amidst the cacophony of chatter there are numerous opportunities to down glass after glass of quality plonk and hog as many nibblies as you like.

Free Newspapers: You can always find a discarded copy of the SMH in a bus or a café but why not help yourself to a pristine copy (with the crossword intact) at the Sydney Opera House booking office. There’s a free copy for anybody who books a ticket there but again it’s an honour system. Just looked like you have booked out the front row for the upcoming season of the Australian Opera and grab your free daily newspaper.

Free Pets: Why pay a breeder $300 for a sulphur crested cockatoo when you can trap and catch your own in Sydney’s Botanic Gardens. The cockatoos there have become particularly tame and are easily attracted with a few slices of old bread. Bag your cocky on the spot but just remember they are still quite feral so industrial strength gloves are recommended.

Free Movies: Pay for one ticket at the George Street cinema labyrinth and spend the rest of the day checking out all the other movies on offer. Stubbs are usually only checked at the main gate so once you are inside you can roam from one session to the other. Discovering a half eaten box of Malteesers during your cinematic journey is only part of the experience.

Free Live Entertainment: Many of our live music venues around town stop charging at the door up to twenty minutes before the show is scheduled to finish. Don’t worry if you are not sporting a wrist stamp, just saunter past the doorman as if you have been in the venue all night. Have you often wondered why Sydney punters are so vocal in screaming for encores at the end of a gig?  It’s all the latecomer freeloaders trying to extend the show for another five or ten minutes!


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