Tech and Gadgets by Peter Bite

Tech and Gadgets by Peter Bite

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October 9, 2012 by 

LinkedIn may be the social network of choice for the professional world, but more job seekers are hunting for work on Facebook, according to a new survey.

Still, both networks — and Twitter — appear to be taking over the employment search space at a rapid clip.

Some 52% of job seekers use Facebook to help find work, according to the survey, conducted by recruiting tech firm Jobvite. That’s up from 48% in Jobvite’s survey a year ago. Both used a sample of more than 2,000 adults in the U.S., either unemployed or currently employed and looking for another job.

LinkedIn was used by 38% of job seekers, up from 30%; Twitter usage in the hunt rose from 26% to 34%. Both saw major jumps in overall usage among the workforce, while Facebook usage held steady.

There is plenty of consolation for LinkedIn — not least of which is the fact that it just edged out Facebook as the place to tweak your resume. A quarter of job seekers added professional information to their Facebook account in the last year, but 26% did the same to their LinkedIn profile.

One in five respondents said they had been sent a lead on a new job via Facebook. And the social media focus seems to be working for some; one in six recipients of a new job credited one of the networks for the lead.

Perhaps most surprising, according to the survey: dissatisfaction is rampant in the workplace. Three-quarters of the U.S. workforce overall are actively interested in another job, even if they already have one.


Stan SchroederOctober 9, 2012 by 

Security flaws in the code that connects your phone to 3G networks could allow anyone to track it, according to research from the University of Birmingham with collaboration from the Technical University of Berlin.

The flaws, reported by SC Magazine, involve attackers using a rooted femtocell device — a small, modified cellular base station — and performing man-in-the-middle attacks to identify a particular device.

In one instance, the attacker could force mobile devices to reveal its Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity (TMSI), assuming the attacker knows the International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI).

In another instance, the attacker could sniff a valid Authentication and Key Agreement (AKA) request from a targeted device, then send the same request to all phones in range. This would cause all devices except the target to respond with synchronization failures, thus distinguishing the desired device.

That could, for example, allow an attacker to track your movements within a building.

Attacks such as this one would require the attacker to be in the vicinity; he’d also need some easily-obtainable equipment and a relatively high degree of technical knowledge.

However, it would also be possible for an expert to simplify the process by creating hacking tools which almost anyone could use.

The researchers say they submitted these flaws to the 3G global industry watchdog, the 3GPP, about six months ago, but fixes still haven’t been implemented. The team plans to detail these flaws at the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security event, held Oct. 16-18 in Raleigh, N.C.


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