With 35+ members, the over-sized Quakers collective has released their self-titled album. Over an hour in length, the record is designed to be heard in continuous play as an ‘epic hip-hop concept album’. With 41 bite-sized tracks from 35 different MCs, Quakers has the same effect as that annoying family member who has an incessant need to consistently flick through every TV channel. The tracks are a cacophony of brass, hints of Motown, distorted vocal samples and heavy lashings of synthesizer that converge on the MCs’ mono-tonal chants.

Powered by three main producers, Fuzzface, 7-Stu-7 and Australia’s own Katalyst, the record is a collection of their favourite MCs from across the world. The trio place ‘golden era’ MCs such as Prince Po and Phat Kat alongside up-and-comers such as Coin Locker Kid and Lyric Jones. A word to the hip-hop chaste: despite spanning the work of old, new, popular and underground, this not an easy album to digest. The tracks from Quakers are far less lyrical and instrumental than well-known Australian acts such as the Hilltop Hoods or Drapht. But if you know your Mphases from your Ellesquire, this is an interesting and diverse listen.



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