Power upgrade nears completion
Work on a half a million dollar project to replace ageing power cables under Surry Hills’ roads is in its final stages.
An Energy Australia spokesperson said the new underground cables from the Campbell Street zone substation will increase power supply and improve reliability of electricity to homes and businesses in the area.
The $500,000 project is part of Energy Australia’s $429 million, five year investment in the electricity network in the Sydney CBD and Surry Hills, an Energy Australia spokeswoman said.
The cables replaced, start at Campbell Street follow down Samuel Street, along Reservoir Street, onto Commonwealth Street, left into Foveaux Street, onto Elizabeth Street and finish in Kippax Street.
Work is in its final phase. However times have been extended due to large amounts of rock and existing services that were found during excavation, which meant contractors had to alter the route.
The spokeswoman said 130 residents and business were notified about the work and representatives spoke to each of the businesses affected directly.
‘We have also moved work from the footpath onto the road to minimise disruption to local businesses in Foveaux Street,’ she said.
Energy Australia said they are consulting with Sydney City Council and Surry Hills Local Area Command, excavating from 7.30am to 5.30pm weekdays and 8am to 1.30pm on weekends. Work across major roads, are undertaken from 10am and 3pm to minimise traffic disruption.
‘We apologise for the inconvenience and thank the community for their understanding,’ the spokesperson said.