Pop-Up Bars

Pop-Up Bars
Image: Warmer weather means a rash of pop-up bars have sprouted...

Warmer weather means a rash of pop-up bars have sprouted…

The most left field of these short-term affairs, Beautiful Strange, will emerge somewhere in the heart of Darlinghurst between the 20th-30th September. Guests will be offered the opportunity to drink cocktails like The Alhambra (made on Arabic za’atar) in a surreal indoor forest. The space is curated by an ex-Sydney Weekender producer, Jac Taylor. Using ‘crowdsourcing’, she’s also lined up array of roving performers including Christopher Hawkins. www.facebook.com/BeautifulStrangeBar

Rekorderlig Cider will be popping up in bar form (with six sensational flavours) at the Night Noodle Markets (October 3-5, 8-12,15-19). We’re talking beanbags and great Asian food matching ideas, like Rekorderlig Orange & Ginger Cider against Malay Rendang. www.rekorderlig.com/au/

Wine lovers won’t miss out either, with a range of pop up wine bars. You can drink by grape at Fifty Shades of Gris (Saturday 13th October) and Sip Your Noir (Friday 19th October), or explore Italian wine styles at Sip Your Modo (Sunday 7th October). www.sipyourstyle.com.au

Or if you’d prefer a regionally specific wine pop-up, the New Generation Hunter Valley boys will also be appearing (at another secret location) on Friday 5th October. Thirty bucks gets you live entertainment, conversations with wine-makers, wine and snacks. www.newgenerationhuntervalley.com.au

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