On the campaign trail
Liberals policy statement
The Liberal Team stands for putting the needs of our residents first, such as fighting for a ‘graffiti-free’ and ‘rubbish-free’ Waverley, significantly less damaged footpaths and roads, enabling residents to actually park on their own property, and retaining the existing beach permit system.
However, under successive Labor and Green mayors we have experienced 20 years of neglect that has left Waverley to endure dumped rubbish, poor footpaths and roads, unkempt verges, minimal street cleaning and too much graffiti. There is lack of support for the business community, no real tourism policy, outlawing of new residential off-street parking for existing houses, and Waverley has become the illegal backpacker centre of Sydney, with no solution in sight.
Waverley has one of the highest revenues from parking fines in NSW, draconian parking policies, decreasing public transport and escalating legal costs because a group of councillors believe their personal views should take precedence over the wishes of residents.
Hence, there is no doubt that the Labor/Green policies impact negatively on the day-to-day lives of our residents. Waverley deserves much better.
If successful on September 13, the Liberal team will provide the leadership and management that is so badly needed in Waverley to restore the confidence of our residents.
Bondi ward: Joy Clayton
Hunter ward: Sally Betts and Tony Kay
Lawson ward: Kerryn Sloan
Waverley ward: David Ridyard
The Liberal team is currently being endorsed by the Liberal Party and other candidates will be announced when that process is completed.